What we are now seeing is an emerging threat of digital totalitarianism, and it was being planned from the early days of the pandemic, some of us were paying close attention to the surveillance and data architecture, which was slowly being built, while the world was deflected by multiple dodge balls.

In the words of Boris Johnson – “Digital authoritarianism is not, the stuff of dystopian fantasy but of an emerging reality.” – Boris Johnson 25 September 2019.
On April 21st, 2020, just under a month of the UK lockdown, the Rockefeller Foundation released a new White Paper titled, ‘National COVID19 Testing Action Plan – Pragmatic steps to reopen our workplaces and our communities.’

In it they wrote that:
“Privacy concerns must be set aside for COVID-19, allowing the ‘infection-status’ of most Americans to be ‘accessed and validated’ in required settings and many voluntary ones. In the meantime, infection status must be known for people to participate in many societal functions.”
“Those screened must be given a ‘unique patient identification number’ that would link to information about a patient’s viral, antibody and eventually ‘vaccine status’ under a system that could easily handshake with other systems to speed the return of normal societal functions.”
Sound familiar? Indeed, what they were calling for was a global digital id solution which would work in schools, offices, passengers, concerts, sports venues, and ticket purchases. – And that was a just a short list, as you know that list is now huge for places like France, its everywhere and its being enforced by the law and police.
The Rockefeller Foundation Paper called it a “Unique Patient Identification Number”, while the Bill Gates Foundation called it a “Digital Certificate”, but it’s essentially the same thing, the UK called it a “Covid Status Certification”.
The key point of this is that vaccine passports were long planned well before the pandemic took hold.

Even though amongst this backdrop, it’s now taking the best part of 18 months for the world to finally realise what is being done to them.
In April of 2020, Onfido was invited to submit a proposal for digital health certificates to the UK Parliament’s Science and Technology Committee. In their proposal, Onfido casts immunity passports as “the linchpin of a new normality”.
And that they would allow users to create a new ‘digital identity’ by uploading an official document (such as a passport or driver’s licence) along with a selfie taken on their phone, which would be verified using AI technology.

The identity would then be paired with a certificate of immunity issued by a national health service. “Nothing has been agreed but we have submitted proposals across European governments. The priority is to roll out lockdown testing that’s scalable and effective, next is the ID piece.” – Kassai said.
We are living day to day, in some form of shock doctrine: Where the public messaging is to overwhelm the desperate public who just want some sense of normality to return. But we have announcement after announcement of proposed digital controls and vaccine passport measures while they constantly shift the goalposts. Then throw in some divide and rule by getting the vaccinated and unvaccinated or the pro-passport and anti-passport crowd to fight each other and then the job is done you have a weak cowardice and dejected populace under total control.
Was it really going to be viable to check every student? Every day? Outside of lecture halls? Or were they simply testing the waters? Or is more psychological nudging and manipulation taking place? I suspect a bit of both.
As employers threaten "no jab, no job" and vaccine passports are required around the world, barrister Francis Hoar tells Julia about an old concept in English law against forced medical treatment.
“It’s the fundamental principle your body is yours.”@JuliaHB1 | @Francis_Hoar pic.twitter.com/ENu7DauTra
— TalkTV (@TalkTV) July 30, 2021
This digital identity infrastructure is already well established and is being rolled out globally: “Contactless biometrics and digital identity can play a role in accelerating vaccine delivery for those lacking formal identification.” Gavi have recently said.
The drive to get as many people jabbed as possible is not about the jab in itself. But it’s about getting as many people signed up to vaccine passports as possible and the more people who have their vaccine passports then the more viable the shift towards digital identity becomes transporting their credentials into a new digital id wallet, just like the EU have plans for.

That is where they are taking us on this digital transformation journey of the world, the great reset means just that, to reset and build back better towards the fourth industrial revolution underpinned using digital id’s. As advocated by gofers like Klaus Schwab and Tony Blair.
Humanity is being steered in this direction, most people are going along with it, but many people can see the red flags starting to show and are now calling it out publicly.
The tide is now turning.

Even talking heads like Mark Dolan, who I believe was for lockdowns, for mask wearing and for vaccines is now beginning to question the official narrative.
He wrote: “We are now in a fight for the fundamental values of this country by ‘We will be tracked, monitored and controlled by a Digital ID system, dressed up as a tool to keep you safe.”
A world where we accept digital identities (under the guise of vaccine passports), is a world where our children and their minds are commoditized using something called smart social contracts, which I believe is the next major component of the blockchain digital identities.

The reality we now face is that many billions of people will be locked out of society that is a definite, just like we were when we were told to stay at home, the new rules will be that anyone over the age of eleven will need to provide details of their COVID status, either proof of full vaccination, a negative PCR test, or natural immunity antigen test and to show that via a digital credential within the NHS App.
Italy has also imposed harsh restrictions on all unvaccinated people that do not hold the country’s Green Pass. Starting August 6, 2021 everyone over the age of 12 must present the health pass and it will be mandatory to access pastry shops and other places.
This is the reality that we will all eventually face, and the police and military will serve their masters, things are not looking good for humanity at this point. (I will try and cover solutions in another article.)
The Government’s hasn’t spent £24+ million on the Covid Certification scheme and a digital verifiable credential programme and the wider digital identity framework for nothing, in this article they make it clear.

“The NHS has produced a ‘digital verifiable credential’ for those who are vaccinated, proving their fitness to work or travel. This credential is stored inside the NHS app and can be proven with a QR code and its absolutely vital to getting people back to work.”
Thats right its going to be used to get us back to work.
And more recently the UK NHS app has been updated with Apple-Wallet support for COVID Pass, allowing your credentials to be cross shared with service providers and mobile phone operating systems.
The aggressive way they’re promoting jab-only Vaccine Passports, even though we know the vaccines don’t prevent people getting Covid or transmitting it, means it’s no longer credible for anyone to maintain there’s not another (ie non-public health) agenda at play here.
— Neil Clark (@NeilClark66) July 31, 2021
What this basically boils down to is this, you’re a data mine, from birth to death, our community data or citizen data as it is officially called within the UK, is what they need, being able to prove any digital attribute on demand and to prove that biometrically is the agenda.
They want us getting used to that.
They want full power and control over everything existing on this planet, most importantly, human beings. Having every human on the blockchain and hooked into the digital id and smart grid, is their goal. And vaccine passports are just one entry point for their digital identity frameworks.
Make no mistake, they are gathering all our health records with private partners, which will be a consolidated, a full-access database whereby the “rapid identification” will encompass all our data pertaining to all sectors of our life – our digital identity.
“The time will come when only the fully-vaccinated may be allowed into bars and restaurants while those who refuse the jab stay locked down at home.” – Scott Morrison Prime Minister of Australia said recently.
And don’t think this is all about the current jabs you have just taken, they will soon expire, they’re talking about the brand new ones, which haven’t got approval yet, and which are not currently on the EUA market, these are brand new CRISPR-based enhancers for DNA vaccines for COVID-19.
Vaccine passports may instead forever jeopardize our right to movement, social life, community, and access to the public sphere, all while contributing to the forever-deepening surveillance state.
Technology is not dangerous, neither are digital identities, the technology is a driver for automation, efficiency and data extraction and should be used for the common good of mankind. But this same technology is now being weaponised and will put up permanent walls to humanity, halting our progress, our self-determination and loss of the individual health freedom, this is my friends, what we are fighting for.