There is no doubt in my mind that what is happening is a global pre-planned script to military precision, all to bring about only one outcome, Chinese style digital identities, and a prison planet like digital subservience. During my research here are just some of the key quotes and important articles to help put the pieces of the jigsaw together.
August 2016 – “Global digital governance needs to be established in order to accelerate our digital life and truly initiate a paradigm shift.” – The WEF released a blueprint and a strategic imperative for a worldwide inauguration for digital IDs.

The Role of Financial Institutions in Building Digital Identity
June 20, 2017 – UN wants a universal digital ID for your data, Humanitarians and tech companies say a digital form of identification would be particularly useful for refugees separated from their personal documents – “To put all your information including your medical records & banking information into a single app”

Mar 28, 2018 – Immunization: an entry point for digital identity – Immunization poses a huge opportunity to scale digital identity.
September 2018 – “This digital identity determines what products, services and information we can access – or, conversely, what is closed off to us” – Identity in a Digital World A new chapter in the social contract – World Economic Forum
January 2020 – “Safe travel in the new normal: Technology as Change” The white paper covers digital ID, blockchain and new digital health cards – it writes: “In the near future, a hard-copy vaccination card could be replaced by a digital immunity passport where the passenger’s vaccination record can be uploaded, with digital certification and by the doctor authorising it. The certification can be tampering proof using blockchain technology.”
The document itself is dated 2020. And I quote: “Such digital immunity passports can also be linked to national / immigration passports making it mandatory for travellers to present them during ticket bookings”. It also talks about “Zero Touch Travel”.

March 18, 2020. – “Eventually we will have some digital certificates to show who has recovered or been tested recently or when we have a vaccine who has received it,” – Bill Gates

30 Mar 2020 – “Immunity passports’ could speed up return to work after Covid-19 and that German researchers studying how lockdown restrictions could be lifted for some people”

Apr 10, 2020 – The world is accelerating towards digital IDs for all – The coronavirus pandemic has triggered a new focus on a global ID system. But if we are unlucky, it could be an Orwellian nightmare. “The coronavirus outbreak has accelerated initiatives focused on creating a global digital ID system.”

28 April NHSX CEO Matt Gould told the Commons Science & Technology Committee that he’d been approached by a number of organisations about providing ‘Immunity Passports’, and said the NHSX was in ‘very early stages’ of looking through the available options.

April 29, 2020 – Digital IDs, the Miracle Cure for a Lockdown Exit Strategy? Through the powerhouse marriage of biometrics and blockchain, the new era of global digital identity is dawning. “Those who are immune could be issued a digital certificate that exempts them from the government-imposed restrictions.” And “Global digital governance needs to be established in order to accelerate our digital life and truly initiate a paradigm shift.”

April 2020 – “A digital credential – perhaps biometrically secured and stored on a person’s smartphone – may be the best way for people to be able to carry secure, verifiable proof of their status without leaking other personal information” – Tony Blair Institute for Global Change.

And in May 2020 when Baroness Dido Harding was appointed to lead the programme of testing and tracing as part of the government’s ongoing response to coronavirus (COVID-19). This article stated that the Chair of NHS Improvement, Baroness Harding would lead on the new NHS COVID-19 app, swab and antibody testing, contact tracing, national surveillance as well as ‘Immunity Certification.’ She had ‘Immunity Certification’ clearly within her remit when she joined. So it was always coming and pre planned.

May 2020: Founder Andrew Bud told BBC News: “NHS Digital has built a strong and trusted identity system in NHS login, which, in my opinion, should form the basis of the UK’s immunity passport.” Adding: “Whether they do so is a decision for them.”

5th June 2020 –“Develop a framework for a mobility credential that links with a digital identity.”
“To meet this need, tests should confer a mobility credential, a biometrically secured digital code (QR code) stored on a person’s phone. Individuals would be required to present this code for verification when entering specific settings.” – Tony Blair Institute for Global Change.
9th June 2020. – “It is a natural evolution of the way that we are going to use technology in any event to transact daily life and this Covid crisis gives an additional reason for doing that”. – Tony Blair.

9th June 2020. Vaccine Passports were all planned out. “To implement a mobility credential linked to a secure and user-centric digital identity to allow the safe reopening of close-proximity spaces.” – Tony Blair Institute
“The need to safely reopen economies and societies won’t go away, and mobility credentials underpinned by a digital identity can play a vital role in achieving this”. – Tony Blair Institute

16th December 2020 – CEO Paul Meyer sees Common Pass being used in shipping, schools, hotels, and concert venues. He has even had talks with the Japanese government about using it for the Olympics in summer 2021. “Vaccination records aren’t something people might need just to get onto an airplane, but also to enrol in a school,” he says. “There’s a real need for a global model.” – CEO Paul Meyer Common Pass

22.12.2020. “Prepare for a form of Health Passport NOW. “I know all the objections, but it will happen! It’s the only way the world will function and for lockdowns to no longer be the sole course of action”. – Tony Blair.

06.01.2021 – “Here’s what’s going to happen, I think you will get to the stage (& he knows) where it’s going to be very hard for people to do a lot of ‘NORMAL LIFE’, unless they can prove their ‘vaccination status’. Vaccination is going to be in the end your route to liberty.”
— Sikh For Truth (@SikhForTruth) July 21, 2021
February 2021 – “The evolution of vaccine certificates will actually drive the whole field of digital identity in the future. So, therefore, this is not just about Covid, this is about something even bigger.” Iproov’s Andrew bud speaks with Olliea Williams for Forbes.
June 6th, 2021 – “I remain even more convinced today, particularly with #biometric technology. The world will move to #biometric ID, and they will do it because in the end, it is better for people.” – Tony Blair on the Sunday Andrew Marr Show
"I remain even more convinced today, particularly with #biometric technology. The world will move to #biometric ID, and they will do it because in the end, it is better for people." – Tony Blair
— Sikh For Truth (@SikhForTruth) June 6, 2021
“We should distinguish between the vaccinated and the unvaccinated & adjust freedoms to the unvaccinated.” “The world will move to biometric digital identity, a global infrastructure, technology is going to change everything”.
#TonyBlair #MarrShow
"We should distinguish between the vaccinated and the unvaccinated & adjust freedoms to the unvaccinated."
“The world will move to #biometric #digitalidentity, a global infrastructure, technology is going to change everything”.#NoVaccinePassportsAnywhere— Sikh For Truth (@SikhForTruth) June 6, 2021
23rd June 2021 – “Covid-19 Health Passes Can Open the door To a Digital ID Revolution:”“Governments should regard the pandemic as an opportunity to look beyond short-term recovery, and to create a platform for more digitalisation of their identity and health credentials.” And “Adding value with a digital ID wallet, to facilitate the transition from short-term relief to ambitious redesign of public service delivery, the health pass can be extended into a wide-ranging and capable digital ID / health wallet.”

08 July 2021 – “The world cannot begin to recover from Covid without people being able to move around again. This can only be done through a common global solution.” And “We believe there is scope to advance the multi-stakeholder effort & for WHO to throw its weight behind a globally recognised framework for health passes.” – Tony Blair
“A framework to allow the creation of a global digital health pass. The expert panel, working with industry, would establish the right parameters to coordinate the emergence of digital health passes compatible with travel systems and recognised around the world.” – Tony Blair.

“Mandating use of the NHS COVID Pass at large events and during periods of high caseloads could bring significant economic benefits.” – Tony Blair Institute for Global Change.

16th July 2021 – The Way of the Future: Supercharging UK Science & Innovation by Institute GC – “First, we need everyone to have a digital identity. Without unique identifiers, data can’t follow us as users. This doesn’t need to be a physical it could be completely digital” – Tony Blair Institute for Global Change.