Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said his government is preparing to participate in the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos in January and that he spoke again with BlackRock Inc CEO Larry Fink about the postwar rebuilding effort.
Ukrainian leader talked to BlackRock CEO Larry Fink about rebuilding efforts after the war with Russia and the World Economic Forum and BlackRock experts will advise Ukraine’s economy.
“Specialists of this company (BlackRock Inc.) are already helping Ukraine to structure the fund for the reconstruction of our state,” Zelensky told his nation during his recent address.
As a member of the World Economic Forum’s Board of Trustees, Larry Fink actively promotes the WEF’s global ESG goals.
Zelensky’s presidential webpage says he met with Larry Fink, BlackRock CEO, this year to work out details of a “preliminary” reconstruction deal.
The BlackRock team has been consulting the Ukrainian government on how to structure the reconstruction funds in accordance with the preliminary agreements struck earlier this year between the Head of State and Larry Fink.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has appeared in front of the WEF numerous times via video stream. There are fawning articles on the group’s website documenting the WEF’s admiration and open support for him.

As well as meeting the WEF in person, he shared the stage with its billionaire founder, Klaus Schwab in 2020.
No one voted for the unelected WEF to “penetrate the cabinets”. It’s a conflict of interest to sovereign democracy.
And no, this is not a conspiracy theory. Klaus Schwab actually boosted about it.
— James Melville (@JamesMelville) November 13, 2022
The WEF and Schwab have talked about “capturing” various seats in government through the sponsorship of politicians all over the world to streamline their draconian agenda, Zelensky is just another pawn.
⭕️ #Zelensky is literally a green screen media puppet. And notice the other usual virtue signalling establishment mascots – like Peter Gabriel and Ozwald Boateng. Cashing in on #NATO’s proxy war against #Russia in #Ukraine. Watch:
— 21st Century Wire 🇾🇪 (@21stCenturyWire) October 13, 2022
In the Russo-Ukrainian Conflict, Zelensky appeared on video in military-style garb, and a viral video shows him using Hollywood effects and propaganda to spread his message.
Taking a hardline approach to all things his government views as linked to Russia, including Orthodox Christianity and the free press, Zelensky, a former television actor, has been hailed around the world as the living and breathing symbol of liberal globalist society championed by the World Economic Forum.
Is Ukraine the Bedrock of the WEF’s Great Reset ‘Digital ID Wallet’ – Blueprint for the West?
The so-called democracy and formation of Ukraine was created by George Soros and his open society foundations. Ukraine is simply a puppet state of the US. #WEF2022
— SikhForTruth (@SikhForTruth) May 26, 2022
The so-called democracy and formation of Ukraine was created by George Soros and his open society foundations. Ukraine is simply a puppet state of the United States.
Ukraine has been in bed with the WEF from the very beginning because it's part of the great reset of the rest of the
— SikhForTruth (@SikhForTruth) December 28, 2022
Ukrain announced earlier this year that they are the first country to implement the WEF’s ‘Great Reset’ by setting up a Social Credit Application that combines Universal Basic Income (UBI), Digital Identity, and Vaccine Passports.
This comes straight out of the “The third and final priority of a Great Reset agenda to harness the innovations of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.”
While you were looking the other way Ukraine announced it will start issuing a CBDC which will be tied to their Digital Identity platform ‘Diia app’. All part of the WEF’s Great Reset agenda. Alex Bornyakov, Digital Transformation Deputy Minister & head of Diia City Project.
— SikhForTruth (@SikhForTruth) March 17, 2022
Ukraine has been quietly working on fulfilling all the items on the Great Reset checklist: digital identity, vaccination passports, universal basic income (UBI), social credit and a CBDC.
In Ukraine: Every aspect of a person’s life should be connected to the government digitally. The goal is to provide 100% of government services. And when the government knows everything about you. That is tyranny, as the saying goes.
A new surveillance society is being established by globalists as a result of the Ukraine crisis. The Ukraine crisis has accelerated the globalists’ green agenda plans. The war is the reason why fuel and energy prices have skyrocketed in recent months. Many are unable to afford to heat their homes this winter.
Agenda 2030 is the globalists’ plan. The War has been a catalyst for UBI, Net Zero Green Economy, Digital Identities, as well as the development of global Central Bank Digital Currencies.
To push its “Great Reset” agenda, the WEF exploits global crises – Covid, climate change, the Ukraine war – to push its agenda. Zelensky’s Ukraine is on its way to a Great Reset in January. Klaus Schwab and the Davos World Economic Forum (WEF) have inspired Zelensky and his government.